Why Traders Fail: The Pareto Principle

Why Traders Fail: The Pareto Principle

Many people have discussed the high failure rate in trading. Common reasons include how traders risk too much, lack edge, don’t have discipline... But all of these reasons can be overcome with mentorship and sincere effort. So what's the real reason?

Show notes

This episode explores my theory and ideas around the high failure rate in trading. I don't believe traders fail just because of the technical reasons. They say 90% of traders fail at trading, but is this because trading is extremely difficult, or is it because only certain types of people have the right attitude and dedication towards their craft?

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Matthew J. Slabosz

Matthew J. Slabosz

Matthew J. Slabosz is a full-time retail trader from Australia. He writes for the trading blog Zen & The Art of Trading, runs the YouTube channel The Art of Trading, and mentors students on how to write their own trading scripts at the Pine Script Mastery course website. He is now also the proud host of The Art of Trading Podcast. You can find more information about him at www.theartoftrading.com

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